Aluminium Boat Hull Paint

I have a 14' aluminum boat that i would like to give a face lift. the hull has already been painted, not to sure on the type of paint. has anyone painted an aluminum hull ???. Conventional, copper-based bottom paints will eat through an aluminum hull. because there’s no copper in alumipaint af, it won’t cause galvanic corrosion, so it’s great for painting pontoons, aluminum hulls, and underwater metals like running gear and outdrives. also, copper is heavy.. This means aluminium hulls require special bottom paint, since the copper in most antifouling bottom paints will react with the aluminium and corrode it. steel is more 'noble' than aluminium, making it less prone to electrolysis and allowing a steel hull to use regular copper bottom antifoul paint..

I go through the proper steps on painting your aluminum fishing boat. sorry for the lag on sound. i'm not quit sure on how to fix that with the software i am using.. Aluminum boat refinishing 2000. q. i also have been looking for ways to paint an aluminum boat. is the lacquer thinner alright to reduce/ clean the paint already on the boat or do you have to sand blast the entire boat? when prepping a mudboat, airboat or any other aluminum boat for hull refinishing, i have always relied on using proper. Find the self etching primer on amazon: this video shows the steps involved to quickly and cheaply paint and older, crappy aluminum boa....

aluminium boat hull paint

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